Finding and hiring the ideal candidate for your company is extremely difficult. Conducting countless interviews and scouring hundreds of resumes and applications cyphon hundreds of hours of productivity from managers. This is why many companies turn to recruitment agencies to help them recruit the right people for their open job positions.
Should you do the same? How can a recruitment agency help you fill your open job positions? Below we outline important reasons companies use recruitment agencies to address their open positions.
Hire candidates faster
Recruitment agencies have contacts with hundreds of active candidates who will be interviewing for your type of open position. They also maintain wide databases of passive candidates who are not applying for positions but may be very interested in the opportunity with your company. The recruitment firm can simply activate their wide base of passive candidates to discuss your opening; which is a common way companies find the hard-to-fill talents for their open positions. Some of the most talented professionals do not leave jobs and thus are not going to apply to your job posting. Instead, they accept opportunities presented to them from relationships with a recruitment professional. The access to talent that would never apply to your open position is a positive benefit for filling positions faster and with higher quality.
On average a manager spends approximately 10 hours per week addressing an open position in their department. If that role remains open for multiple weeks, you can imagine the lost productivity and time that comes from trying to hire in your company. A recruiting agency’s contract means your open position is addressed by one or more recruiting professionals as a full time job. A full time recruiter can process over 65% more resumes, phone screenings and first interviews for an open position than a department manager or HR manager may do on their own.
Reduce your risk
Another benefit recruiting firms can offer companies seeking hard to fill or important positions is the “try before you buy” opportunity that cannot come when you hire directly. Many recruitment firms hire the candidate temporarily under their firm for a certain amount of time while that employee settles in with your organization and culture. During this time, the new employee’s paycheck, benefits, liability insurance and other hiring costs will be covered by the recruiting firm. If the employee truly meets all the goals you felt during the hiring process after the specified time period, you can accept the employee onto your employee payroll with the complete confidence that you have the right fit for the long run.
Keep your professional appearance
Some companies don’t have a dedicated in-house recruiter or a human resources department that can be fully dedicated to the hiring process of every opening in your company. In order to ensure that the hiring process is done professionally and effectively, they choose to use the services of recruitment agencies. The cost of a recruitment’s services are far under any lawsuit for incorrect hiring laws or employment law flaws that can come from a company who cannot devote the time and energy necessary hiring. If you don’t have the resources to recruit in a highly professional manner, it is best to leave it to experts from recruitment agencies.
A recruitment agency can allow a company to hire talent more quickly, with far less risk and in the most professional way.